Mental & Physical Wellness = Fitness for JOY

Imagine a life without worrying about what to eat, stopping work to cook for too much time away from your computer, eating  unhealthy fast food, or being treated badly because of your body image.

Jeanette Joy Fisher dropped 77 pounds without hunger, counting Calories, or exercise. In fact, she didn't even intend to lose weight because for 50 years she thought she was "Big boned." The only reason she shed the fat was because she changed her eating habits. It's not what you can't eat. It's what you can eat. 

"People treat me so differently! I never realized how I was discounted, ignored, and left out. I just thought it was my age. Not. After I lost 60 pounds and went on my 10th Marketers Cruise, people treated me differently. I had so much fun! I never knew my weight was such a hindrance to my success." --Jeanette Joy Fisher

What Makes Us Different?

We help busy entrepreneurs, artists, and people who have been losing weight over and over get fit for life. 

No Diets
No Hunger
No Calorie Counting 
Organic, Healthy Choices
Quick & Easy Meal Preparation

We promote health, not skinny bodies. We believe that mental health contributes to physical health. Watching your thinking and not your diet controls your mental and physical health. A happy, healthy person has more chances to live successfully and therefore better fit to help others.

Get Fit with Grace & Ease

Come visit Southern California, hangout at our home, stay at a nearby Marriott, see Orange County, San Diego, and Los Angeles on day trips. We will feed you. Watch us cook breakfast in a minute, lunch and snack in 15 minutes, and dinner in five minutes. Enjoy a mini vacation while you learn valuable skills to really change your life.

Text (714) 213-0354

How do you speak to the elderly?

Mary Kay Evans

One of my strongest pet peeves as a social worker is persons speaking to seniors as if they're small children or in a dismissive way. I hate to hear people calling them "sweetie" or other names like that unless they are related or friends. To me, a total stranger calling you "sweetie" or something similar is insulting and demeaning.

I know people mean well—they think it's a way of connecting or being kind. But it seems I'm not alone in thinking that the end result is not what they wanted. This type of talk is called "elderspeak" as opposed to baby talk.

In a recent study, researchers watched how caregivers interacted with patients who had mild to moderate dementia. They found that the patients who were talked down to ("good girl" and "how are we feeling?", for example) became more aggressive and uncooperative. Those who weren't verbal showed their displeasure with their facial expressions and by being resistant to care. This can become a downward spiral because those who are providing care tend to limit the amount of time they spend with patients who are more difficult to care for.

And the language —what about the language that is used? When it was time to eat, it's far better to say something like, "let me put this on you to protect your clothes," or "let me put this cover over your shirt." instead of Bib. And diaper? Never. Caregivers should say I am changing your brief. It's just a word, but a diaper? No, it's not a diaper. Babies wear diapers.

How do you - as non-healthcare people treat seniors? I know one person who doesn't let her completely lucid 84-year-old mother make her own decisions in a restaurant. The daughter orders for her mother and tells her mother that she doesn't need what she really wanted. The daughter answers for her mother too. And—there's nothing wrong with her mother. It is of such importance to allow seniors to continue to make choices and decisions for as long they can, even simple choices like which dress would you like to wear today, or would you like coffee or tea. So many times as caretakers they rush through the day and it is hard to remember that their loved ones still need to feel their input is of value because it is.

We do everything we can to encourage independence in our children—why does this change with our elders, who are still to some degree able to make choices?

For more information, please contact Care Pathways Senior Services. Caring for Seniors and Families since 1999.
Contact (714) 743-6309 or

Ongoing Case Management is now available to North Orange County Seniors as well as Assessment and Referrals to all Orange County Senior Care Services, Contact Mary Kay Evans for speaking at your event.